Annual campaign

Together, let's continue to support the health of people here.

For 50 years, the CHUS has been striving for excellence in care and medical research. Its health care staff strives to the transformation of lives here in Estrie. Thanks to your donations, the care offered at Hôpital Fleurimont and the Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke is in constant evolution and allows, every day, small and big miracles.

Grand tirage de la santé | Groupe Beaucage

2024 edition

Tickets for the Grand tirage de la Santé | Groupe Beaucage 2024 are now available.


Fifth draw | 2024 edition

Small Donations Make a Huge Difference

The Small donations make a huge difference advertising campaign is designed to show all donors the impact they have on health care in the Estrie region.

It is through the collaborative effort of all our donors that we are able to make a difference. To continue our mission, all donations are essential. Not just the big ones.


Projects to be funded :

The CHUS Foundation has a list of projects to be funded that align with the strategic directions of the CIUSSS de l’Estrie - CHUS. There are all kinds of projects, which are equally relevant to thousands of people’s health.

Technological advancements


High-tech integrated operating room

There are thousands of people waiting for surgery in Estrie. Many of these patients experience anxiety, insecurity, and suffering.

Humanization of care


Fonds Urgence gériatrique

The geriatric emergency is an approach where the needs and comfort of the elderly person are at the center of the concerns of the staff.



Research on men's health

Health issues related to the male sexual sphere have long been taboo subjects and, even today, many men are slow to consult.



Fonds Cœur en Tête

Every year, 2,500 Canadians are diagnosed with brain cancer, one of the most virulent cancers there is. The Fonds Cœur en Tête supports brain cancer research conducted by the neurosurgeon and neuro-oncologist Dr. David Fortin.

Our Latest News.


Vente de garage

With the arrival of spring, we suggest that you free your home from all your “lingering around”!


July 2, 2024
50 years of care at the CHUS, 50 years of stories | Zachary

A particular case of blastomycosis detected quickly thanks to the expertise developed at the CHUS.


June 20, 2024
An extraordinary outpouring of generosity for the Tournoi de golf | Banque Nationale Gestion privée 1859

Under the honorary presidency of Mr. Éric Bujold, Head of Client Relations at National Bank, this tournament and the evening that ended it raised an exceptional sum of $1,056,000.


June 8, 2024
50 years of care at the CHUS, 50 years of history | Gino

For them it was an ordinary procedure, for me it was a return to life!


May 7, 2024
A new research chair to understand, diagnose and treat Lyme disease and other emerging infections

Lyme disease has increased significantly in Canada over the last decade. Did you know that approximately 60% of Lyme disease cases reported in Quebec are here, in Estrie?


May 2, 2024
50 years of care at the CHUS, 50 years of stories

For 50 years, the CHUS has been striving for excellence in care and medical research. Its health care staff contributes to the transformation of lives here in Estrie.


April 18, 2024
An emotional evening to celebrate our volunteers!

The CHUS Foundation highlighted the involvement of its many volunteers by offering them an evening rich in emotions during its Gala reconnaissance, which was held this Thursday, in this volunteer action week.

Press releases

April 10, 2024
A record-breaking year for the 13th CHUS Foundation Souper gastronomique

The 13th edition of the Souper gastronomique brought together a record crowd of 665 guests who raised $827,902 for the benefit of health, an amount never equalled for this benefit activity held last night at the Sherbrooke Exhibition Center.


April 2, 2024
"I'm glad I came up with the idea! - Normand Therriault, founder of the CHUS Foundation

Nearly 50 years ago, the idea of creating a foundation to help his hospital arose in Normand Therriault's head. So, director of technical services at the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS).


March 8, 2024
A new fund to invest in women's health!

The issues surrounding women's health are multiple and the field of research still remains a great area to be explored further.

Thank you for giving to health!